
自信的女人不一定天姿国色、闭月羞花,可能是相貌平平。因为自信,自然而然变得光彩耀人、淡雅高贵。 自信的女人拥有的东西不一定很多。却拥有一份财富——自信。这是一份永远不为外人夺取、永远属于自己的财富,罩在身上,成为最美丽的魅力。


First Project

Made a deal today, the first project in current company which took about 3 months time to closed it. It should be a glad tidings or a matter may need to celebrate, but seriously i really not in a cheerful mood. It might be a nightmare for me because i know i'm not the lucky guy who manage to meet a nice client. Just hoping it won't have major mistake during the renovation progress................................ and overcome those irritating problem.......... will do...! Ganbateh!

2 条评论:

  1. don worry, so many ppl arround you can help you up, when you need help, i'll gv you my both hands, the 1st person =) just do it !


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