
自信的女人不一定天姿国色、闭月羞花,可能是相貌平平。因为自信,自然而然变得光彩耀人、淡雅高贵。 自信的女人拥有的东西不一定很多。却拥有一份财富——自信。这是一份永远不为外人夺取、永远属于自己的财富,罩在身上,成为最美丽的魅力。


eBay Hual

This going to be a lazy post of today as i'm freaking tired and about to sleep. I will be having busy days from now on, sigh~~~ @@

Well, have you ever shopping through internet? I'd purchased some items from eBay a week ago, it's actually easy and fast. eBay is The World's Online Marketplace, enabling trade on local and international which is trustable and safe.

Here are some attached of what i'd bought at eBay =D
Package from Australia, i was so exicted when recieved it and can't wait to open up ^^

CVS foundation and conceal brush

Blending of powder or creme

Applicator for creme or liquid makeup

Package from Canada, this item was recieved when i'm totally moodless and cheer me up whole day afterward, eek!!

Lise Watier Porfolio (this product is super good, i'm loving it)

five-way concealer spectrum to correct and conceal skin tone

The items were recieved promptly (bout 7 days from Australia, 10 days from Canada), fast shipment and items are in good quality just as described. I'm really happy with these ^^

If you guys could try to buy something which can't get in your local store at eBay, just like me =) It's simple and fast, i guess you will like it =)

Good 9 everybody, zzzzzz......


A Day To Remember

I have a wonderful birthday, it was a lotsa fun and full of happiness ^^ Once again, thanks all of my fren's greetings and concern.
***BIG Hugsss*** for u guys =)

Here are some pix i would like to share ♥

group pic of the night 281109 (This 1 without Jake)

and this 1 without Walter

look so paisay

guess what, a s2p staff keep the cake inside freezer and it was hard as stone... wasted Brent's effort... sigh >.<

present, so gan zheong dunno wat's tat... haha XD

yay, it's my dream purse =D damn happy ^^

At the exact Birthday ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

setting off to the dinner, with my bao gua

in tren towards Clark Quay

Dinner @ Sun with Moon, a Japanese restaurant

*yum yum* this is pork but forget what's does it called

have u seen huge rocky... lol

this is goose liver, yucks! i dun like it

medium done beef.... nom nom nommmm.... so goooooooodd!!

desert-tofu cheese cake, the staff add on some bday decoration on it, so warm

i wish.... my bank account will appear 1 more digit when i wake up tml =P

singapore river is rite behind, good view

he is the organizer, thanks so much for the days, kisssss****

happy times always flies by, going back luu... T_T

Now, time to show off my present =D muahaha ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

nice wrapping, hehe my 1st Dior

it is really hard to maintain and easy to get dirty T_T
aww!!! mad love ♥♥♥

thanks my baogua... =)

It's really touching me with what u've did. Appreciate!

٭ YOUR ٭足迹