
自信的女人不一定天姿国色、闭月羞花,可能是相貌平平。因为自信,自然而然变得光彩耀人、淡雅高贵。 自信的女人拥有的东西不一定很多。却拥有一份财富——自信。这是一份永远不为外人夺取、永远属于自己的财富,罩在身上,成为最美丽的魅力。


-2ol0- Resolution

Here we go again, a new start of another year and another stack of resolutions to achieve, sigh~~
New year's eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, but more important is looking forward to the coming year, a time to show on the changes that we've made.

This year, i've got more and more goals to accomplish and i promised to myself that i will be good. Well, a promise is a promise, we shall see then... haha XD

I am going to rough out my new year’s resolutions, so, here it is :-

1. I WANT TO losing weight and getting in shape, I want to gain 42kg and fit myself in size 'S'. **(obviously, the 1st 1 has always been the most important thing and i guess every woman dreamed about it day and night, lol =) )

2. I WANT TO spend less and save more, especially on cosmetics. And if it possible to save half of monthly income at each month. (can i?)

3. I WANT TO improve make up skill, so that cosmetics which i'm owning will not be wasted. And 1 day i could tell everyone, i've got knowlege in make up.

4. I WANT TO be hot hot hot as Lady Gaga....!! (haha, a joke) I like her albums, her style, her news and everything, she is so so so hot!

5. I WANT TO increase exercise at least three times a week.

6. I WANT TO go for walk with QiQi at least three times a week.

7. I WANT TO enjoy the rest of life at Singape.

8. I WANT TO improve English, ofcourse not the broken one. I hope i'm able to communicate with British client 1 day. (you know their english slang is very hard to catch)

9. I WANT TO show the ability to those who look down at me.

10. I WANT TO get a good job with high pay, sincere colleagues, nice environment and patient bosses.

11. I WANT TO be an indepandent interior designer, i wish i could handle well in my own project.

12. I WILL NOT make stupid mistakes to my work.

Phew~~ this is what i can figured out at the moment, and hopefully i could achieve my goals of this year. I know GOD is blessing me. Well, whose know... haha XD

Have you work out a resolutions for this brand new year? Hope you would succeed, cheers =)

***** Updated*****
somebody said, i'd made useless promises!! so what? i've got my own thinking and know what should i do, your rubbish stupid lectures -> shit!!!!!!!!!!! don't interrogate on me bout how i maintain the promises sucker!

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